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杨亚帆,男,生于江苏徐州,籍贯浙江台州。2020年获阿卜杜拉国王科技大学地球科学与工程专业博士学位。2021年3月至今任副研究员于中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室。主持国家自然科学基金,江苏省自然科学基金,中国博士后科学基金与江苏省双创博士等项目。在《The Journal of Physical Chemistry》、《The Journal of Chemical Physics》、《Fuel》、《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、《Applied Clay Science》、《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》、《Geophysical Research Letters》和《物理学报》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文25篇,以第一作者与通讯作者身份发表SCI论文16与4篇,被引用350余次,H指数12。唯一作者出版专著1部,参加国内外学术会议8次,做口头报告7次。任《The Journal of Physical Chemistry》、《Applied Clay Science》、《Energy & Fuels》、《ACS Applied Energy Materials》等期刊审稿人,《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》期刊科学编辑、《Atmosphere》期刊客座主编及Interpore Saudi Chapter组织会成员。
2014/8至2016/5,南加州大学,化学工程,硕士,导师:M. Sahimi
1.Yafan Yang*, MFA Che Ruslan, W Zhu, G Zhao, and S Sun*. "Interfacial Behaviors of the H2O+CO2+CH4+C10H22System in Three Phase Equilibrium: A Combined Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Density Gradient Theory Investigation"Journal of Molecular Liquids(2023). (IF: 6.633, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区)
2.Yafan Yang, MFA Che Ruslan, AK Narayanan Nair*, R Qiao, and S Sun*. "Interfacial Properties of the Hexane+ Carbon Dioxide+ Water System in the Presence of Hydrophilic Silica"The Journal of Chemical Physics(2022). (IF: 4.304, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区Top)
3.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, MFA Che Ruslan, and S Sun*. "Interfacial Properties of the Alkane+Water System in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrophobic Silica"Fuel(2022). (IF: 8.035, JCR: Q1,中科院: 1区Top)
4.Yafan Yang*, MFA Che Ruslan, and S Sun*. "Study of Interfacial Properties of Water+Methane+Oil Three-Phase Systems by a Simple Molecular Simulation Protocol"Journal of Molecular Liquids(2022). (IF: 6.633, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区)
5.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, MFA Che Ruslan, and S Sun*. "Interfacial Properties of the Aromatic Hydrocarbon+Water System in the Presence of Hydrophilic Silica"Journal of Molecular Liquids(2022). (IF: 6.633, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区)
6.Yafan Yang*, W Zhu, Y Ji, T Wang, G Zhao*."Interfacial Properties of H2O+CO2+Oil Three-Phase Systems: A Density Gradient Theory Study"Atmosphere(2022). (IF: 3.110, JCR: Q3,中科院: 4区)
7.杨亚帆*,王建州,商翔宇,王涛,孙树瑜*. "高温下钙蒙脱石膨胀特性的分子动力学模拟"物理学报(2022). (IF: 0.906, JCR: Q4,中科院: 3区)
8.Yafan Yang, R Qiao, Y Wang, and S Sun*. "Swelling Pressure of Montmorillonite with Multiple Water Layers at Elevated Temperatures and Water Pressures: A Molecular Dynamics Study."Applied Clay Science(2021). (IF: 4.605, JCR: Q1,中科院: 1区Top)
9.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun*. "Sorption and Diffusion of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Their Mixture in Amorphous Polyethylene at High Pressures and Temperatures"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(2021). (IF: 3.720, JCR: Q2,中科院: 2区)
10.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, MFA Che Ruslan, and S Sun*. "Bulk and Interfacial Properties of the Decane+Water System in the Presence of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Their Mixture"The Journal of Physical Chemistry B(2020). (IF: 2.857, JCR: Q2,中科院: 2区Top)
11.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun*. "Adsorption and Diffusion of methane/carbon dioxide Mixtures in Carbon Nanotubes with Preadsorbed Water"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(2020). (IF: 4.189, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区Top)
12.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun*. "Sorption and Diffusion of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Amorphous Poly (alkyl acrylates): A Molecular Simulation Study"The Journal of Physical Chemistry B(2020). (IF: 2.857, JCR: Q2,中科院: 2区Top)
13.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun. "Layer Charge Effects on Adsorption and Diffusion of Water and Ions in Interlayers and on External Surfaces of Montmorillonite"ACS Earth and Space Chemistry(2019). (IF: 2.243, JCR: Q3,中科院: 3区)
14.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun*. "Adsorption and Diffusion of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Amorphous Regions of Cross-linked Polyethylene: A Molecular Simulation Study"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(2019). (IF: 3.375, JCR: Q1,中科院: 2区Top)
15.Yafan Yang, MFA Che Ruslan, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun*. "Effect of Ion Valency on the Properties of the Carbon Dioxide-methane-brine System"The Journal of Physical Chemistry B(2019). (IF: 2.923, JCR: Q2,中科院: 3区)
16.Yafan Yang, AK Narayanan Nair*, and S Sun. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture in the Presence of Brine"The Journal of Physical Chemistry B(2017). (IF: 3.146, JCR: Q2,中科院: 3区)