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缪秀秀,七级岗副研究员,硕士生导师。擅长使用X射线成像、CT图像处理、数值模拟等研究手段探索岩土工程中的热水力化问题,曾涉猎高压储气库热力耦合效应、碳封存井筒水泥完整性、溶浸采矿非均质浸矿行为等研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、博士后科学基金项目2项,在EnergyInternational Journal of Heat and Mass TransferCement and Concrete CompositesAdvances in Water ResourcesHydrometallurgy等学术期刊上发表论文近30篇,授权软著专利近10项。



2014/122016/11,墨尔本大学,岩土工程,博士联培,导师:Guillermo Narsilio






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,采空区碳封存尾砂胶结充填体完整性及耐久性研究,522741442023/01-2026/1254万元,在研,主持;

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,流固化耦合作用下碳封存井筒水泥密封失效机制研究,2020M680073, 2020/11-2023/1212万元,在研,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于CT技术的碳封存深井碳化作用下水泥结构演化机制研究,418072752019/01-2021/1225万元,结题,主持;

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于CT的碳封存井筒水泥孔裂隙发展及渗透率演化机制,2018M6329482018/05-2020/125万元,结题,主持;



1. Li,WJ, Miao, XX*, Wang, JF, et al., 2023. Study on thermodynamic behaviour of natural gas and thermo-mechanical response of salt caverns for underground gas storage, Energy, 262:125601.

2. Miao, XX, Wu, JY, Wang, YM, et al., 2022. Coupled effects of fly ash and calcium formate on strength development of cemented tailings backfill, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29:59949-64.

3. Miao, XX, Gan, MG, Wang, Y, et al., 2022. Permeability evolution of defective wellbore cement under geologic carbon sequestration conditions by means of varying-radius pipeline modeling, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 98: 104393.

4. Miao, XX, Wu, AX, Yang, BH, et al., 2021. Development of a 3D dual poresystem leaching model: Application on metal extraction from oxide copper ore. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 169: 120895.

5. Miao, XX, Zhang, LW, Wang, Y, et al., 2020. Characterisation of wellbore cement microstructure alteration under geologic carbon storage using X-ray computed micro-tomography: A framework for fast CT image registration and carbonate shell morphology quantification. Cement and Concrete Composites, 108: 103524.

6. Li, WJ, Miao, XX*, Yang, CH, 2020. Failure analysis for gas storage salt cavern by thermo-mechanical modelling considering rock salt creep. Journal of Energy Storage, 32: 102004.

7. Miao, XX, Wang, Y, Zhang, LW, et al., 2019. Improved Vinegar & Wellington Calibration for Estimation of Fluid Saturation and Porosity from CT Images for a Core Flooding Test under Geologic Carbon Storage Conditions. Micron, 124: 102703.

8. 缪秀秀, 吴爱祥, 杨保华, 2018. 堆浸水力学研究前沿: 结构表征与模型仿真. 中国有色金属学报, 28(11): 2327-2340.

9. Miao, XX, Gerke, K.M., Sizonenko, T.O., 2017. A new way to parameterize hydraulic conductances of pore elements: A step towards creating pore-networks without pore shape simplifications. Advances in Water Resources, 105: 162-172.

10. Miao, XX, Narsilio, G.A., Wu, AX, et al., 2017. A 3D dual pore-system leaching model. Part 1: Study on fluid flow. Hydrometallurgy, 167:173-182.

11. Miao, XX, Wu, AX, Yang, BH, et. al., 2014. Unsaturated flow and solute transport in a porous column with spherical ore particles. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 21(2): 113-121.


1. 一种基于分层进路尾砂胶结充填采矿的采空区碳封存方法. CN202210690965.2(排名第一,发明专利)

2. 一种基于孔隙度重构数字岩心的原位温压两相流分析方法. CN 202210049116.9(排名第一,发明专利)

3. 一种CO2改性粉煤灰基吸附剂及其制备方法和应用. CN 201910548154 .7(排名第二,发明专利)

4. 一种花岗岩微观裂缝结构识别和微观渗流分析方法. CN 201910548154 .7(排名第二,发明专利)

5. 盐穴储气库气体热动力学及热固耦合分析应用软件V1.0. 登字第11486152. 2023. (排名第一,软著)
